The zodiac is divided into 12 sectors called “houses”. In astrology, each house is intrinsically linked with a different sign and planet. The various houses represent a different area of life; they describe physical surroundings as well as personal life experiences. The zodiac begins with the first house, and goes counterclockwise around. What house each sign falls in is determined by your birth time and birth location.
If you would like to augment your understanding of how to interpret a birth chart, read on to learn the key meanings for each house. This knowledge will be beneficial in knowing how the planets, signs and houses in your own natal chart interact to reveal and inform the person you are today. If you do not know what houses your Sun, Moon and Rising signs fall in, visit and click on "Extended Chart Selection" to learn more.
First House: Personality, physical body, first impressions, life approach, self-identity, will power, instinct, vitality. Ruled by Mars and Aries
Second House: Values, self-worth, material resources, sensual experiences, family dynamic, early childhood, spouse, where/how you get/utilize your energy. Ruled by Venus and Taurus
Third House: Logic, communication, environment, siblings, early schooling, neighbors, short-distance travels, social and intellectual learning. Ruled by Mercury and Gemini
Fourth House: Home, heritage, family, foundations, your roots, the maternal figure, comfort, security, inner mind and emotions. Ruled by the Moon and Cancer
Fifth House: Ego, pleasures, inner child, speculative business, pride, self-expression, art, creativity, children, dating, romance, sex, entertainment. Ruled by the Sun and Leo
Sixth House: Work, health, chores, routine, daily activities, learning by material transaction, self-improvement, practical service. Ruled by Mercury and Virgo

Seventh House: Marriage, relationships, business partnerships, shadow side, teamwork, give and take, social and intellectual action. Ruled by Venus and Libra
Eighth House: Sex, mystery, secrets, the occult, sharing, transformation, intensity, psychology, intimacy, alternative healing practices, taxes, emotional security, security of the soul. Ruled by Pluto/Mars and Scorpio
Ninth House: Higher education, travel, foreign lands, philosophy, spirituality, teachers, gurus, religion, learning that shapes the identity. Ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius
Tenth House: Career, social standing, reputation, public or online image, social influence, public recognition, status, the paternal figure, material action, authority figures, government. Ruled by Saturn and Capricorn
Eleventh House: Hopes and dreams, fame, friends, organizations, network circles, technology, invention, collective consciousness, the search for social and intellectual security. Ruled by Uranus/Saturn and Aquarius
Twelfth House: Dreams (sleep), mental illness, isolation, unconditional love, hidden enemies, hidden bed pleasures, foreign lands, unconscious, imagination, transcendence, self-undoing. Ruled by Neptune/Jupiter and Pisces
Interested in learning more? Book a reading with Stella Love Astrology today to receive a personalized interpretation of your natal chart ~ 💖